Deadpool v. Wolverine Maximum Effort Maximum Fun

Deadpool & Wolverine is fun. Is it good? Sure. Why not?

This movie is absolutely ridiculous. That what makes it fun. Being bogged down by trying to be fun makes it ridiculous. It’s like a loop of ridiculousness. There were times where I and the rest of the theater were squealing with delight and other times where I had new clue what was going on.

The movie requires a lot of familiarity with both the MCU and the former Fox Marvel universe. There’s also a ton of required exposition in this movie itself to follow. It’s all fine.

It’s hard to talk about the movie without spoilers tbh. I’ll try to avoid most but here’s the obligatory spoiler warning. 🚨

A baddie, Dr. Paradox, in the TVA (if you don’t know what that is watch Loki season 1 and 2) is building a machine to shred universes rather than prune them. He’s off the rails. He decides he wants to use Wade Wilson to do his dirty work. But once WW realizes his friends are going to die he decides to find Wolverine to set things straight. Of course in this universe Wolverine is dead. Like dead dead. And Deadpool can’t desicrate this timeline but he can desicrate Logan’s adimantium skeleton.

Wade montage skips through the multiverse to find a Wolverine to help him. In typical Deadpool fashion he chooses the “worst Wolverine”.

The duo fight. A lot.

They are then exiled to the cameo void where shit goes down. They meet Cassandra Nova, Charles Xavier’s twin who turns out to be the big big bad.

There’s lots of what he’s doing is imitating Wolverine’s berserker attack with his adimantium claws and lots of blood. The fourth wall is shattered.

Yes, there’s Wolverine in comic accurate yellow suit. No, there’s no Taylor Swift. Yes, that Wolverine variant is in it.

The cameos are great. The gore is gratuitous. The story is out there. But I had fun. Maximum effort!


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