Defcon 1

I am surprised to see very little coverage, outrage, and action around yesterday’s announcement that TFG has declared himself a dictator.

Let’s back up. Last year, the Supreme Court granted presidents blanket immunity. Joe Biden chose not to use this unlimited power, even after TFG won the 2024 presidential election. Now, empowered by the Supreme Court decision, surrounded by yes men, and with the system of checks and balances eroded to the point of ineffectiveness, he is using that power to enact revenge on his enemies and assume complete control of our government.

This dangerous declaration, delivered via Executive Order, sidesteps the constitution and sweeps away the final vestments of the system of checks and balances. From here, things will get darker and more dangerous for any person who disagrees with this dictatorship.

Of course, TFG is a bumbling clown, and his actions are akin to a bull in a china shoppe; this is just laying the groundwork to future King JDV. While not much smarter than TFG, JDV’s indoctrination into fascism was far more sophisticated. He is a puppet of Peter Theil and an instrument of the authors of Project 2025. Once King JDV is crowned, he will be swift and efficient at dismantling what’s left of our Republic and steering us farther to the right by quickly implementing regressive policies that can not be challenged by the courts and will take decades to unravel, if they ever can be.

Folks, this is Defcon 1, the most urgent time in our country’s history. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with this manual and prepare to push back.

Call your representatives, let them know your displeasure, vote in any elections you can, and stay informed.

As mentioned, I’ll be going dark for a bit as I consider my next steps. Godspeed, rebels.


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